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Neritina Violecea Red Lip Snegle

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Art.nr: red lip
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This limpet-like snail is an ultra-effective algae eater and it has a very colorful and variable shell!


The Red Lip Nerite Snail (Neritina violacea) is a very unique nerite species that is native to Indonesia and is known for its highly variable shell patterns and coloration. It can live for upwards of 4 years, so it is relatively long-lived among its relatives. Though it inhabits freshwater habitats as an adult, its fry require brackish or marine water to survive, so it will not proliferate in a freshwater aquarium and it is not known to have been bred commercially or otherwise.


Most of the nerite snails we offer have very similar care requirements and characteristics, and the Red Lip Nerite Snail is no exception. It inhabits fresh and brackish water areas and cannot reproduce in freshwater. This snail is a very effective algae eater and will thrive in a mature aquarium that has plenty of algae and biofilm growth. Some nerite snails are initially finicky about eating dry foods, but most will come to accept them, especially with foods that are high in spirulina or other plant content. Fresh vegetables are typically accepted as well. Nerite snails are hardy in a mature, stable, well-maintained aquarium, but they are not as hardy as some other snail species in subpar setups. It is important to remember that scavengers such as snails do not consume as much oxygen as most fish, but they still contribute to the bioload of the aquarium and they should not be overstocked long-term.  


It should also be noted that, while this snail can live in a wide variety of pH levels, it will live for much longer in alkaline water of over 7.0 pH. If it is kept in acidic water, it is more prone to experience shell erosion. Calcium supplementation (especially when using R/O water) is highly recommended for maintaining the quality of this snail’s magnificent shell.


Please Note: Due to its unique shell shape, this species can have trouble turning over when on its back, so please take care to place it face down when introducing it to the aquarium. It also has a very strong grip, so care must be taken not to injure this snail when handling or moving it.


What We Like About This Snail:

  • Completely peaceful
  • Striking shell coloration and patterns
  • Safe with all plants
  • Excellent scavenger and algae eater
  • Does not reproduce in freshwater



  • Temperature: 71.6° - 82.4° F (22° - 28° C)
  • pH: 6.5 – 8.0, although its lifespan will generally be longer in alkaline pH.
  • KH: 2 - 12 dKH
  • Minimum Tank Size: 5 gallons



  • Diet: Scavenger that feeds continually.  Requires very little feeding in a well-established aquarium containing algae, biofilm, or decaying plant matter.  In less mature aquariums, high quality dry foods with high plant content can be sparingly fed daily. Nerite snails are often more finicky with dry foods.
  • Social Behavior: Peaceful
  • Origin: Indonesia
  • Average Adult Size: 1.2 inches (3 cm)
  • Average Purchase Size: .5 - 1 inches (1.3 – 2.5 cm)
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