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Pao suvatti XXL

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Art.nr: paos
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The suvattii is a species of freshwater pufferfish belonging to the Pao genus.


The P.suvattii previously belonged to the Tetraodon and Monotrete genera until being reassigned in 2013 to Pao.


Common names for this species include Mekong Puffer, Pignosed Puffer, Hognosed Puffer and Arrowhead Puffer.


The specific name honours Chote Suvatti, ichthyologist and former professor of Kasetsart University who greatly contributed to the taxonomic work on fish in Thailand.



In the wild



The Mekong River in Laos

The P.suvattii is believed to be endemic to the lower Mekong mainstream and its larger tributaries of Thailand and Laos.


It lurks within dense submerged vegetation and wallows in the muddy substrate of its suitable habitats, ready to launch a surprise attack on any prey items that swim within striking distance. It feeds on smaller species of fish, freshwater crustaceans and benthic animals such as worms.


The P.suvattii populations in the wild are still healthy in suitable habitats and it is considered 'Least Concern' by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).



In the aquarium



One of my Pao suvattii Pufferfish

The P.suvattii is a popular choice for ‘oddball’ enthusiasts and imports of wild-caught specimens are quite common.


This pufferfish requires highly oxygenated water with a medium to strong flow, but not overpowering.

A good strength of flow can be achieved with spray bars from a canister filter, angled towards the top of the water.


Powerheads with narrow gaps in the grill can also be used to create additional flow. We would advise that cages or guards (such as anemone guards) are used on powerheads to prevent entrapment/injury.


This species prefers a scape which includes an abundance of spaces in which it can hide, but the tank must also provided lots of areas of uncovered substrate to allow for wallowing (read substrate).


Water-logged driftwood and smooth boulders/rocks can be incorporated into the scape of the aquarium. Hardy epiphytes, such as Anubias and Java fern varieties, can be attached to the hardscape for decorative purposes and to provide additional areas of harbourage, but plants that need to be planted into the substrate should be avoided because the P.suvattii will disturb the roots.




The P.suvattii is an ambush predator and will spend most of its time lurking in-between the aquarium decor and wallowing (buried) in the substrate.


This is how this species naturally hunts, awaiting any potential prey to come within striking distance. It is important that the Suvattii puffer is provided with a very soft, sand substrate for wallowing. A soft sand substrate should be considered an essential and not an optional extra.


The Suvattii is a wallowing species and should always be afforded the provision of a substrate which allows it to exhibit its natural behaviour.

The depth of the sand should always match the depth of the fish's body. It is recommended to start as shallow as possible and gradually increase the depth as the fish grows. This fish will disturb the substrate on a regular basis by moving from place to place within the sand, but it is recommended that the keeper regularly stirs up the substrate to stop the sand from ‘compacting’ and to prevent the build-up of anaerobic bacterial populations.


Gravel and plant soil/substrate is unsuitable for the Suvattii and may cause injury if the fish attempts to wallow in it. Any sharp/course pieces should be avoided/removed.


Tank Size


The tank should have a minimum footprint of approximately 80cm (31.5 inches) x 35cm (13.78 iches), with a height of 40cm (15.75 inches).


This translates to a tank volume of approximately 112 litres

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